advanced shamanic hypnosis technique (ASHT) surrogate session

How Does A Surrogate Session Work?

The "quantum field" refers to a fundamental aspect of the universe that is rooted in the principles of quantum physics. This field is sometimes called the "field of infinite potential" or simply "the field." It illuminates the underlying fabric of reality, where all possibilities and potentialities exist.

The quantum field is not bound by the constraints of time and space in the same way that the physical world is. Instead, it is a non-local and omnipresent realm where past, present, and future coexist simultaneously. Within this field, all information, energy, and possibilities are interconnected.

At its core, quantum healing relies on the principle that everything in the universe, including human beings, is made up of energy and interconnected at a fundamental level via the quantum field. Shamanic principles match these scientific findings. Everything is connected, everything has a spirit.

When an experienced practitioner uses this advanced method, they are able to alter their state of consciousness in order to attain wisdom, guidance, and healing on behalf of another individual. The surrogate serves as a conduit for the client, so the client can receive all of the healing and transformative benefits of the session without altering their own state of consciousness, or being physically present for the session itself.

What is advanced shamanic hypnosis technique?

Advanced Shamanic Hypnosis Technique (ASHT) combines quantum hypnosis and ancient shamanic healing methods—such as soul retrieval or power retrieval. Prior to the hypnosis induction, the practitioners will perform ceremonial shamanic rituals to prepare the sacred space for the healing session. ASHT sessions are not limited to just past lives—but may also include integrating a client’s soul history with their current life. ASHT is ideal for the surrogate to access personalized wisdom on how the client can activate and step into their ideal timeline so they can live their dream life now.

Who performs the surrogate session?

The Advanced Shamanic Hypnosis Technique is conducted by a Level 2 Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner, Dr Janice, with Kiersten, an experienced initiated shaman who serves as the surrogate. Dr Janice will guide Kiersten into a trance state, where she will attain the specific wisdom, guidance, and healing for the client. She goes into trance very easily, where she receives information and healing for the person she acts as a surrogate for.

Their previous experience with surrogate hypnosis and shamanic sessions has shown that it can be easier to attain information for another individual because it bypasses any ingrained belief systems or subconscious blocks the client may have. Whereas the surrogate is a clear conduit that has nothing hindering the information they’re receiving on behalf of the other person.

Shaman Kiersten is an experienced practitioner who has honed her skills and knowledge of the spirit realms and quantum field over years of successful practice with her shamanic healing clients. Dr. Janice has performed numerous QHHT sessions leading with a compassionate heart, an open mind, and a loving determination to get to the truth that the client seeks.

who can benefit from a surrogate session?

Advanced Shamanic Hypnosis Technique is for anyone who lives a busy life and doesn’t have time to attend a multi hour session with a practitioner, those who are uncomfortable being on video calls, and for the individuals who want all the benefits of a deep healing session without having to do the work themselves. The surrogate sessions are easy and effective. Why not have someone else do it for you? Why not have two highly skilled practitioners do it for you?

How long is a surrogate session?

A surrogate session is 45 minutes to 1 hour long.

how much does a surrogate session cost?

An Advanced Shamanic Hypnosis Technique surrogate session costs $222 USD.

what happens after you schedule?

Prior to the scheduled day of your personalized session, you will be required to fill out a questionnaire intake form where you can discuss your specific goals and desired results of the session. The entire session will be audio recorded and emailed to you within 24 hours.