Frequently asked questions

  • Shamanism is the original and most ancient spiritual holistic healing practice in the world — with archaeological evidence of the first shamans found over 70,000 years ago.

    Shamanism consists of ancient collections of traditions and methods based on the practitioner accessing and connecting to the spirit realms for wisdom and healing.

    Shamanic practices are remarkably similar all over the world, despite these cultures being isolated and having no contact with other shamanic communities in separated and remote parts of the planet.

    Modern shamanism is not attached to one specific culture or geographical location. This emerging and ever-growing practice is informed by quantum physics, indigenous practices, spiritual traditions, and most of all, the personal experiences of each dedicated practitioner.

    As shamanism has been practiced all over the world, you most likely have personal ancestors who at one time practiced shamanism. Shamanism has survived for so long because it is the path of direct insight.

    Shamanism consists of ancient collections of traditions and methods based on the practitioner accessing and connecting to the spirit realms for wisdom and healing. Shamans navigate these realms where they interact with helping, compassionate spirits to retrieve wisdom and facilitate healing on behalf of a person or community.

    In the practice of shamanism, the spiritual aspect of illness is addressed. In shamanic healing sessions, the shaman is shown the spiritual aspect/cause of the illness—whether that has manifested emotionally, physically, or mentally.

  • The shamanic journey is the ancient art of using rhythm and intention to enter a new profound state of awareness, or altered state of consciousness, in order to open your perceptions and personally connect with the sacred spiritual dimensions beyond ordinary reality.

    Drumming is used to induce a theta wave cycle in the brain, which assists in reaching the altered state of consciousness. During a Shamanic Journey, a person can enter different worlds to meet with Spirit Animals, teachers and guides.

    Some of the benefits of shamanic journeying include:

    • Deeper insight into personal situations.

    • Decreased anxiety and fear.

    • Decreased physical pain.

    • Joy.

    • Increased creativity.

    • Resolved personal trauma.

    • Physical, psychological, or spiritual healing.

    • Obtaining knowledge about the nature of reality.

    • Divine wisdom.

    • Increased intuition and spiritual connections.

    • Deeper feelings of connection and support from others.

    • Obtaining mystical knowledge.

    Shamanic journeying allows shamans to see connections that often get missed in the ordinary world. They can communicate with spirits, ancestors, and the divine--gaining the insight they need to keep their communities safe, healthy, and whole.

  • Power is our life force, vitality, and energy. This is why power loss creates such a disturbance in our mind, body, and soul. When you’re able to live in your full power, there are no internal blocks to become your ideal self.

    Every time we have our boundaries violated, don’t have our needs met, we feel emotionally invalidated by others, and we internalize limiting beliefs about ourselves—we can lose a piece of our power. Trauma whether it’s emotional, mental, or physical also causes power loss.

    Power loss normally shows up as a lack of vitality or zest for life. If you seem unable to make positive changes or take action on your dreams, power loss could be the cause. Other common symptoms of power loss include chronic illness, depression, fatigue, digestion issues, feeling distrusting of others, low self-esteem, poor boundaries, eating disorders, emotional instability, and anxiety.

    Put simply, power loss is the result of a situation in which we’ve given power away or had it taken away by someone or something. This power can be taken back through Power Retrieval. Power Retrieval is the shamanic practice of calling back lost power and anchoring it into the spiritual and energetic bodies.

    Power loss could occur at any point when you felt that your power was taken away from you or felt that you gave your power away (perhaps bullying, being talked down to or shouted at, abused, undermined, manipulated etc.). It could be any incident or situation that resulted in you feeling literally ‘powerless’ in some way.

    Each instance of power loss can weaken our sense of personal power, trust, and self-confidence, because the less power we have and the more power we give away, the weaker we tend to feel physically, emotionally, and mentally.

    In shamanism, one of the main goals is to help people become more whole and empowered versions of themselves as they call in parts that have been lost and personal power that has been lost, or taken. Power loss means energy loss. When your energy is weak, you often experience dis-ease, both physically and emotionally.

  • Shamanic Power Retrieval is a healing technique used to retrieve your personal power and heal past trauma. Power Retrieval returns vital and protective life-force energy that you lost at some point in life. The loss of this energy may have left you vulnerable to illness or dis-ease (mental, emotional, physical), fatigue, feeling stuck, anxiety, depression, or the sense that something is “missing.”

    Power Retrieval can restore your personal power—bringing back supportive, positive energy that offers protection and gives you the opportunity to feel healthier, stronger and more vibrant. The shamanic practitioner conducts the healing ceremony to locate and reintegrate your power and power allies.

    Many people report feeling a sense of wholeness, peace, and vibrancy after a power retrieval session and discover a life-changing inner strength and calmness.

    Shamanic Power Retrieval enables you to take back your personal power parts. It has the potential to restore your energy, personal power, and bring the joy back into your life. Many people report feeling a sense of wholeness, peace, and vibrancy after a power retrieval session.

    Through shamanic power retrieval, that lost power and the connection to your individual power allies and guides is reintegrated back into you. In doing so, you will be better able to face the challenges of the world, with better outcomes for your overall wellbeing.

  • You may benefit from a shamanic healing ceremony if…

    • You have past trauma

    • You struggle with mental health

    • You are consistently fatigued

    • You have no zest for life

    • You feel like something is “missing” inside of you

    • Physical symptoms of unhealed trauma such as digestive issues, insomnia, anxiety, chronic pain, lethargy, etc.

  • A power retrieval session with Shaman Kiersten is 2 hours long.

  • Kiersten’s main priority as your shaman is to facilitate a safe space that supports your highest healing. During the shamanic session, Kiersten will journey on your behalf. You will be laying down with your eyes closed for the duration of the ceremony, ideally in a quiet space. You will be listening to a rhythmic drumming beat which helps to soothe you into a state of calm, peace, and tranquility during the journey.

    Once the ceremony is concluded, Kiersten will review everything that she saw, experienced, and divined during the journey.

    She will also provide reintegration tools you can take home and implement into your daily life following the session. These will be individualized to you and the specific messages and guidance provided in the journey.

  • A shamanic healing session with Kiersten costs $200 USD.