dr janice
Dr. Janice, a retired Doctor of Chiropractic, Level 2 QHHT Practitioner, and certified in Advanced Quantum Healing Techniques, combines her professional medical knowledge with a lifelong devotion to spirit, nature, and holistic healing.
Growing up on a farm in a charming Midwest town nurtured her deep affection for animals and the great outdoors, laying the groundwork for her spiritual connections. It’s in nature and the mountains where she experiences a true sense of belonging, joy, and inner peace. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, hiking, backpacking and kayaking, further deepening her connection to the natural and spiritual worlds.
During the early 1980s, Dr. Janice, feeling completely isolated and on her own, concealed her dysfunctional and painful marriage from the world, seeking strength in her spiritual beliefs. Her hidden struggles led her to embark on a profound spiritual journey fueled by her desire to transform her toxic relationship. After more than twenty years she was left with no choice but to initiate divorce proceedings. The overwhelming stress of both the tumultuous marriage and prolonged divorce proceedings resulted in her health deteriorating.
In the midst of her own struggles Dr. Janice would face an even more traumatic emotional situation - her father’s cancer diagnosis. The chemotherapy quickly ravaged his body, leaving him frail and weak. One late August morning, in the early hours, he appeared in her room - as the healthy and strong man she remembered from her childhood. A glowing bright white light encircled him and, also, emanated through him, projecting outwards in all directions. He was a part of the transcendent light which was pure divine unconditional love. The intensity of that eternal love filled every cell, organ, and system in her body. They communicated via thoughts and feelings conveying heartfelt emotions of love, respect, and gratitude. Lovingly, he unveiled the hidden world of ethereal spirits giving her one of the most profound, transformative, and healing mystical experiences of her life.
Once the veil came down and her father’s luminous body disappeared, Dr. Janice found herself back in her room knowing that her beloved father had passed away. This was confirmed a little while later when her mother called to notify her of his passing. But, she felt so much peace knowing he was healthy and happy - no longer suffering and in pain. She knew his true self could never be destroyed. She was so grateful to have had this phenomenal opportunity to connect with him one last time.
This life-changing experience was so transformational and deeply healing to Dr. Janice that it sparked an intense desire to research and learn how to return, once again, to that mystical spiritual realm. She knew in her heart that the healing she received from feeling such an all-encompassing love was on a soul level.
Dr. Janice’s deep understanding of holistic healing has been cultivated through 40+ years of personal, professional, and spiritual experiences. Her unique healing method safely guides clients in exploring their consciousness and expanding their awareness by combining Advanced Quantum Healing Hypnosis with ancient shamanic practices, allowing clients to access profound wisdom and deep soul healing. Dr. Janice is committed to helping others heal on a soul level, as well as, transform their lives, and live their true divine purpose.